Sql Databases Fundamentals

Sql Databases Fundamentals certifies the knowledge at a basic level regarding relational databases applied to any DB engine, both at administrator and database developer level, that is, the implementation of the SQL language for data manipulation and querying.

Exam details

Format: the exam includes true/false questions, multiple choice and single answer, complete concept flows, etc.

Number of questions: 100
Open book: No
Languages: German, Spanish, English, Portuguese (Brazil)
Minimum passing score: 75%
Duration (In minutes): 120 minutes

- Introduction to databases
  Basic Terminology
- What is sql
  Types of sql statements
  Sql as a non-procedural language

Creating and feeding a database
- Creating a database
- Types of data
  Temporary data
- Creating tables
  Schema creation
- Feed and modify data in the table
- When good instructions don't work
  No primary key
  No foreign key
  Column violation
  Invalid date conversions

Basic queries
- Query mechanisms
- Query clauses
- Select clause
  Remove duplicates
- From clause
  Linked tables
  Define aliases of tables
- Where clause
- Group by and having clause
- order by clause

- Conditions
  Parameter usage
  Not operator
- Construction of conditions
- Types of conditions
- Null

Query multiple tables
- What is join
  Cartesian product
  Inner joins
  Ansi join syntax
- Join three or more tables
  Using subqueries as tables
  Using the same table twice

Working with sets
- Set theory
- Set theory in practice
- Set operators
- Set operation rules
  Ordering compound queries
  Presence of operations

Data generation, manipulation and conversion
- Working with character strings
- Working with numeric data
  Arithmetic functions
  Controlling number precision
- Working with temporal data
  Time zone
  Generating time data
  Manipulating temporal data

Grouping and aggregation
- Grouping concepts
- Aggregation functions
  Implicit versus explicit
  Counting distinct values
  Using expressions
  How are null interpreted
- Generate groupings
  One column
  Multiple columns
  Grouping with expressions
  Generating rollups
  Module IX: Subqueries
- What is a subquery
- Types of subqueries
- Unrelated subqueries
  Multiple column
  Multiple row, single column
- Related subqueries
  Exists operator
  Data manipulation using subqueries
- When to use subqueries.
  Subquery as data source
  Subquery as expression

- Multi-user databases
  Granular locking
- What is a transaction
  Starting a transaction
  Ending a transaction
  Transaction save points

- What are views
- Why use views
  Data security
  Data aggregation Hiding complexity
  Join partitioned tables

Anyone interested in acquiring basic knowledge related to SQL language for data manipulation in relational databases.

To develop student competencies in the following topics related to SQL language:

• Introduction and terminology of relational databases
• Basic concepts of data manipulation with SQL
• Basic concepts of data queries with SQL
• Multiple queries
• Data generation and conversion
• Transaction Management
• View handling basics


Basic concepts of computer science

Level: Basic

Exam Duration: 120 Minutos

Modality: Online Proctored

Price: 150 USD

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Sql Databases Fundamentals

Sql Databases Fundamentals certifies the knowledge at a basic level regarding relational databases applied to any DB engine, both at administrator and database developer level, that is, the implementation of the SQL language for data manipulation and querying.

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